Gelfond's constant

In mathematics, Gelfond's constant, named after Aleksandr Gelfond, is eπ, that is, e to the power of π. Like both e and π, this constant is a transcendental number. This can be proven by the Gelfond–Schneider theorem and noting the fact that

 e^\pi  \;  = \;    (e^{i\pi})^{-i}   \;  =   \;(-1)^{-i}

where i is the imaginary unit. Since −i is algebraic, but certainly not rational, eπ is transcendental. The constant was mentioned in Hilbert's seventh problem. A related constant is 2^\sqrt{2}, known as the Gelfond–Schneider constant. The related value π + eπ is also irrational.[1]


Numerical value

The decimal expansion of Gelfond's constant begins

e^\pi  \approx 23.14069263277926\dots\,.

If one defines \scriptstyle k_0\,=\,\tfrac{1}{\sqrt{2}} and


for n > 0 then the sequence[2]


converges rapidly to e^\pi.

Geometric peculiarity

The volume of the n-dimensional ball (or n-ball), is given by:

V_n={\pi^\frac{n}{2}R^n\over\Gamma(\frac{n}{2} %2B 1)}.

where R is its radius and \Gamma is the gamma function. Any even-dimensional unit ball has volume:


and, summing up all the unit-ball volumes of even-dimension gives:[3]

\sum_{n=0}^\infty V_{2n} = e^\pi. \,


  1. ^ Nesterenko, Y (1996). "Modular Functions and Transcendence Problems". Comptes rendus de l'Académie des sciences Série 1 322 (10): 909–914. 
  2. ^ Borwein, J. and Bailey, D. (2003). Mathematics by Experiment: Plausible Reasoning in the 21st Century. Wellesley, MA: A K Peters. p. 137. 
  3. ^ Connolly, Francis. University of Notre Dame

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